Estradiol-Mediated ER-alpha Trafficking at the Membrane


Neuroendocrinology and Estrogen Positive Feedback

A classical question in reproductive neuroendocrinology is, “What is the mechanism of estrogen positive feedback that stimulates the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge?”  This is a critical question in the field, since the LH surge triggers two central events in reproduction:  ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum (which produces progesterone in the

Estradiol Membrane Signaling

The GPCR/MOR internalization assay has allowed us to dissect the signaling pathways activated by estradiol.  For example, in the arcuate nucleus, estradiol acts on a membrane estrogen receptor-α (ERα) to transactivate a metabotropic glutamate receptor, which phosphorylates a protein kinase-θ dependent signaling cascade responsible for lordosis circuit

Estradiol-Mediated ER-alpha Trafficking at the Membrane

Schematic diagram illustrating estradiol-mediated ERα trafficking at the membrane. ERα-mGluR1a (blue-orange) complexes are inserted into the membrane of an exocytotic...